Cooler Repair Peoria IL

Cooler Repair Peoria IL

Cooler Repair maintenance in Peoria IL

Need Quick and Immediate Cooler Repair in Peoria IL? Count on Merit

At Merit Mechanical Service, we understand the need to keep your refrigeration equipment running. As a business that relies on walk-in coolers and freezers to organize and preserve your goods and products, a unit going out can quickly become a significant issue. As such, Merit Mechanical offers quick and immediate cooler repair for Peoria IL businesses. Talk with our team today to discover what we can offer.

What Can Be Fixed?

As your cooler begins to breakdown or malfunction, you might not be immediately aware of the best fix. Thankfully, the experts at Merit Mechanical pride ourselves on being the most versatile technicians in the industry. We’ll get to the bottom of your cooler problems and provide a complete solution.

  • Compressor – Your compressor is the heart of your cooler, as it pumps refrigerant throughout your system. As such, this is one of the first areas we check when diagnosing potential problems with your cooler. Sometimes, all it takes to fix your compressor is a thorough cleaning of its coil and parts around it, ensuring proper airflow. Otherwise, we can provide a fix or replace parts necessary for the complete function of the compressor.
  • Evaporator – Next is the evaporator that helps regulate the temperature inside your walk-in cooler. As your evaporator works, it may build up frost or ice on its coils. However, there are systems in place to melt and drain frost, so your evaporator continues to function. Thus, if you notice significant ice-buildup around your evaporator, you know something isn’t working as it should. So you don’t risk additional part failure, your evaporator will need proper maintenance and repair from professionals.
  • Panel Insulation – While it doesn’t consist of fans, coils or other moving parts, the walls of your cooler could be the source of your temperature woes. Either due to improper installation or age of the system, the walls of your cooler can begin to leak. This can cause your system to work overtime to keep up with regulating a consistent temperature. And as your cooler works harder, breakdowns become more likely. Thankfully, Merit Mechanical can identify leaky panels and provide repairs with minimal disruptions.

The Solution to All Your Mechanical Woes

Cooler Repair stocked with fruit in Peoria IL

The Merit Mechanical team isn’t only experts on cooler repair in Peoria IL. Our team consists of mechanical professionals across multiple industries. We offer repair, replacement and installation services for various businesses utilizing large commercial equipment and appliances. For example, we cover:

Talk with Our Team

You can’t afford to have a walk-in cooler on the fritz! Be sure to get expert cooler repair in Peoria IL from professionals you can trust to get the job done right. Call Merit Mechanical Service today at 309-981-8478 to request a quote. Also, we are located at 308 E McClure Ave, Bartonville, IL 61607.